• Shift

  • a1

  • a2

  • a3

  • a4

  • c'

  • e1

  • e2

  • i'

  • o1

  • o2

  • o3

  • u1

  • u2

  • e"

How to type in Portuguese using our keyboard?

If you want to learn Portuguese or type in Portuguese, our online Portuguese keyboard is a great resource. It's easy to use and you don't need to use any special software or apps. This keyboard works in all browsers (whether Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or any others). Accents are commonly used in Portuguese words and without accents, your text will not read properly. With this keyboard, you can type accents easily and have your Portuguese text look just the way it should.

Lowercase letters that have accents in Portuguese are:

ã á à â ç é ê í õ ó ô ú ü

The following uppercase letters in Portuguese utilize accents:

à Á À Â Ç É Ê Í Õ Ó Ô Ú Ü

As well as these accents, our keyboard app allows you to type the Euro symbol €.

To use our online Portuguese keyboard, you can either type your content and click on the Portuguese accent when you want to insert one. Alternatively, you can type your content and when you want an accent, type the code below so a1 for ã, u1 for ú etc.

Our keyboard should help your Portuguese typing speed to be similar to your native language. Press the SHIFT button if you want uppercase accents instead of lowercase. In terms of colors, we provide a variety to make the keyboard more user-friendly. The first color is for the accented letters displaying above. The second color is for the box where you can type Portuguese.

There is also the option to change the size of the text that you type. Choose the text size that is most comfortable for you by selecting the icon with "Ãã". When you have finished typing your text in Portuguese, press the "copy" icon at the bottom right and you will be able to paste it into your desired document.

If you want to learn more about the Portuguese language, we have a large range of resources on our website that might be helpful.


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